Sunday, June 25, 2017



War? Never again in this land, never again
Never again in this land, let those beating the drums of war hear this plea
You that are fanning the ambers of war please desist from so doing
Those melodramatic songs of calumny and war should end NOW!
And you that are dancing and enjoying the music therefore, enough
Let all those kindling the fire of war cease from such a venture
Let all party repent NOW! Before it is too late to do so
War? Never again in this land, never again

Your anger; one can relate, your pain many can feel
Your disappointment and frustration is understandable
You have been marginalized, we agreed
You have been maltreated; we know
Your genuine reasons and valid point all noted
Yet that we’re fighting mean not that we must die
Alive and well we live to fight another day

But wait a minute and come to think of it
Is someone proclaiming to be a saint?
Let he that have no sin cast the first stone
That vituperation, that Pride, that predatory tendency
That winner take all disposition, that Can all you can and sit on the Can trait
That me, mine and I approach to life, that unhealthy rivalry and strive
That hyper superiority complex and I don’t care nor concern posture
That over bearing aggressiveness in business and disposition
That non compromising nature, though may not matter to you,
Yet may pose a threat to others and a reason to worry by some

The breeze of war blows no one any good, we must stop it even now
War is bloody, it is greedy, it is senseless and selfish
War is madness, it is crazy, it is wickedness and very bad
War mongers must stop NOW! War peddlers should think twice
The fuel of war is human blood; the currency of war is death and wanton destructions
The weapon of war is lies, propaganda, distrust, deceit, camouflage and carnage
The offspring of war is hunger and starvation, it is poverty; it is pain and divers kind of disease
The aftermath of war is regret, despair, desolation, anguish, violence, crime and more woes

We can avert these all, if the hate speeches stop and the war pen drops
The unbridled sentiments, unfettered tribalism or racism
The ungodly religiosity and explosive egoism and fascism
If we can pulse and think, if we consult far and wide not just abnormal jingoism
If we stop all these ignoble criticisms and purported nepotism
If we see reason well enough, if we show love to those deserving our hate
We may; with God be able to stop the war before our stops

Hate speeches don’t fight wars, anger don’t win wars; but;
Blood, more blood is what can fight at wars
With war every one is a casualty, victims and violated,
No one is a victor, everyone is a looser, and we all are vanquished
Do not act now to think later, rather think now and delay all actions
It is stupidity and foolishness to war-war when we can still jaw-jaw
Any fool can make a war without recourse to what may follow
It take the wise at heart to fathom what war end may be
If you will escape unhurt, think of your neighbors, will they?
If you can fight, but can your children carry gun?

Maybe you can even flee, will all your loved ones too?
Maybe you can actually afford to die and spend your life at war
Are your siblings preparing to do the same?
Maybe you will be able to bear the anticipated lose
Yet can your wife, kits and kin, near kings-man or neighbors be?

We can stop the carnage; we can stop the massacre,
Surely we can nip the genocide in the bud, if we want
When we opt for peace not war, when we engage in dialogue not mudslinging
War is bad, it is evil, it sinful, it is barbaric and it is satanic
To start a war is easy but ending a war is hard to do
The beginning of war is easy to know; the end of war can never be said
The cost of war, the casualties of it cannot be envisioned,

But being considerate, loving others as our self
Doing to others as you would want done to you
This is the pill to all aches of evil and war
Preaching peace is not cowardice or lack of strength
It is wisdom, courage, being considerate and doing what is right for all
Preaching love and peace is not mere religious cliché
It is life, it is giving, and love is seen in actions not words of mouth alone

Lord! Help keep the wars at bay

 War is as the day of the LORD;
Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD!
 to what end is it for you?
the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
As if a man did flee from a lion, and a bear met him; or went into the house,
and leaned his hand on the wall, and a serpent bit him.
Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light?
even very dark, and no brightness in it? (Amos 5:18-20 KJV)
The under listed videos are horrific:

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